Maze Solving with A* and DFS


Developed a python application that implemented a Depth-First-Search and an A* search on a maze constructed with ’#‘s and ’-‘s.

Key Technologies

  • Python

More Information

As said above I implemented both a DFS and A* search to solve mazes. This involved choosing data structures that were suitable for the mazes as they were supplied in a .txt format and fine tuning the algorithms to ensure that they were operating as efficiently as possible as some of the mazes supplied were extremely large with 100,000s of potential nodes that could be visited by the algorithms.

DFS was the more simple algorithm to implement however was less performant on the larger mazes and of course does not guarantee the optimal solution, whereas A* was more challenging and complex to implement, but once some of the development issues were overcome it ran really well and also was guaranteed to return the optimal path through the maze !

This was developed to fufill the requirements of an assignment in my AI module where I achieved 92% on this coursework and an average of 88% on the entire module.