Multi-Threaded Card Game


Developed a card game that ran with n players with each player having its own thread, with the game being developed using a paired programming paradigm.

Key Technologies

  • Java
  • JUnit
  • Java Threads

More Information

This game was made to fufil the requirements of an assignment for my software development module, which focussed on development using Java, using OOP principles and using the paired programming paradigm.

We also decided that our best method to develop flawless software to achieve the highest marks was to use test-driven development. This meant that we first designed and planned which classes we wanted and what attributes and methods that these classes will have. After this we then designed and implemented the tests for the methods, we could do this as we knew exactly what we wanted each method to do so could write the test to check a methods output, before even writing the method !

All of this pre-planning really payed off and we achieved a score of 96% on the assignment !